
11 Ways to Make Your Life More Eco-Friendly

by Skipper Team

The environmental concerns that are exploding every day result from the rapid industrialisation, urbanisation and capitalist mindsets that often prioritise wealth at the expense of the earth. This has resulted in the melting of the glaciers, depletion of the forest covers, drought, disastrous climate change, desertification, health hazards and above all, extinction of life.

Surprisingly, even after all this mayhem, many remain ignorant and unperturbed. They do not realise that adopting eco-friendly practices has many benefits to explore. From households to workplaces, environment-friendly approaches safeguard life on earth for the generations to come in the near future. People who make these lifestyle changes become healthier and limit the destruction of the natural environment and wildlife.

The guiding principles of sustainable living

Going green and adopting sustainable living is based on minimising waste, limiting non-renewable natural resources and, of course, the wise use of the environment. The following are the guiding principles to help make green living a reality:

Conserve water

Saving water and minimising usage and wastage to the extent possible can be a great way to create an eco-friendly environment. 

Avoid plastics

Give up plastics and adopt other eco-friendly products. For example, use alternatives like jute, paper and other plant-based products as packaging containers. All products from Skipper come in sustainable packaging that is 100% recyclable and compostable. Products like Skipper Towels made from plant cellulose & cotton are reusable and an alternative to disposable paper towels. 


Conserve power

From automobiles and aeroplanes to the big machines in the factories, power generated by fossil fuels is the driving force. Try to minimise the use of this non-renewable natural resource and shift to renewable alternatives like solar, wind & water. 

Organic foods

Eating organic foods is one of the main principles of green living. Try to choose local, organic, healthy, low impact and seasonal diets. It will limit food waste and the pollution caused by it. Therefore, support local farming and organically grown products.

Reduce wastes

Wastes generated due to several domestic, commercial and industrial functions result in the landfills generating tonnes of toxic Chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs and gas polluting the environment. Only purchase and consume products that you need. Identifying your necessities versus luxuries and efficient planning is the best way. For instance, in our homes, we use a wide range of products that directly or indirectly lead to carbon emissions. Simple products like cleaners, disinfectants etc., can also fall under this category. Replacing these with just a single product like the Skipper Universal Cleaner is a great way to minimise your home’s waste generation.

The wide-ranging benefits of a sustainable environment

Many people pollute the environment without realising that there is no planet ‘B’. Welcoming green lifestyle influences the people around you to think about the environment. So, here are the several benefits: 

Creates a better place for life to sustain

The most important benefit of creating a sustainable environment is to ensure its stability and existence for future generations. Harnessing the sun’s energy, minimising your environmental footprint, and effectively using the planet’s resources will stabilise the environment. It will make it possible for the current generations and future generations to thrive and create a more stable world for the future.

Can preserve the depleting green cover

Going green can help save the forests and other green cover and thus preserve the animal habitat and ecosystem. The destruction of the ecosystem that offers several resources for all living things means that we may soon lose even our access to food if our forests disappear. It will also lead to a well-balanced season and weather cycle so agricultural activities can thrive.

Reduce pollution levels

A sustainable environment is free from toxins, chemicals, pollutant gases and other substances that impact the greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. We can find decreased pollution levels by adopting environment-friendly products and practices in our day-to-day life. It will improve the quality of air, water and soil. Plastic is a major source of pollution that remains on the earth’s surface for decades without degenerating into the soil. Replacing product packaging with green, sustainable and 100% biodegradable cardboard packages, jute bags etc., can help to do it and give us a better planet to live in.

Generate savings through cost-effective means

The use of passive solar design, ventilation systems, water recycling techniques, rainwater harvesting, and waste management will maximise energy and water efficiency. This benefit guarantees comfortable homes with reduced utility bills and reduced waste of resources. Sustainable living is the best way of minimising living costs as it reduces the earth’s natural resource consumption. For instance, with reduced costs of water consumption, heating and lighting by using green energy, and smart lighting solutions, you can easily cut down your utility bills. 

Improves health and wellbeing

Leading an environmentally friendly lifestyle is a perfect way to improve health and become a better version of yourself. Excellent quality organic and local food will help you achieve a healthy diet. You will notice enhanced well-being but become more robust, energised, and fit. Moreover, biking and walking instead of driving your car can help you stay healthy. Because sustainable living embraces natural lighting and the appreciation of nature, it can also enhance happiness and decrease depression. Consumption of quality and non-toxic food products promotes good health.

There is no denying that sustainable living can only lead to a safer and healthier place to live on earth. Modifying our behaviours and adopting simple yet effective green practices can contribute a lot towards it. Therefore, we all must do whatever it takes to minimise our carbon footprints and adopt sustainable measures. 

If you are looking to embrace eco-friendly products in your homes, explore Skipper’s brilliantly developed products that minimise waste and offer you versatile personal and home care products. On its mission to save the planet, Skipper envisions collecting less than 5 million ocean-bound plastic by the end of 2022. The brand also donates up to 2% of sales to critical social causes through their Skipper Tip Foundation.

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